
Conversations with Psyche:
A Dreamer’s Guide to Soul-Stirring Creativity

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Twelve creative explorations into the genius of the night mind.



This is by far the most creative book on dreams out there.

When was the last time you read a book

that felt like a dream and nudged you to the deepest part of your being?

A pure delight for the senses and the imagination,

this book will appeal to all those who seek to know more about their dreams.

Open any page and let the adventure begin.


Daniel Deslauriers, Ph.D.

Director East-West Psychology Program

California Institute of Integral Studies





Playful, artful, delightful, insightful… with black and white images that leap off the pages and goad us into wakeful explorations of the hidden landscapes of the dreaming mind. The author’s genius in merging artwork with terse but right-to-the point directions and questions is astounding and enormously productive in the hide-and-seek game of mining for dream meaning. A creative feast for the eyes and rich food for the mind, this book is a treat and a treasure!


Rita Dwyer

Past President and Executive Officer of the International Association for the Study of Dreams





Victoria’s latest work, “I Had the Craziest Dream Last Night” is not only a true artistic pleasure but a serious guide to working with and understanding your dreams. As a reader, you are drawn immediately by the art and design from page to page suddenly realizing that you are in the midst of an important experience in the understanding of your dreams and yourself.  As a dreamworker you quickly recognize the no-nonsense, solid but fun multi-disciplinary dream approaches that the book is leading your through. This is not just a book but a piece of educational art, a centerpiece for discussion, something that belongs on the coffee table not just the bookshelf.


Bob Hoss, MS, author of Dream Language,

Officer and Past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams,

founding Director of the DreamScience foundation,

and host of Dream Time Radio on VoiceAmerica.





In her distinctive book I Had the Craziest  Dream Last Night,

Victoria Rabinowe has created a truly unique visual aid

to helping dreamers feel liberated and empowered in exploring  their dreaming imagery.

She encourages the viewer to undertake their own creative forays

to capture the mysterious adventures we experience,

and the nocturnal landscapes to which we all journey, each night.

She then provides some very useful guidelines

to help sort out, classify, and process the contents

of the rich cornucopia of material discovered by the dreamer.


Robert L. Van de Castle  Ph. D.

Professor Emeritus University of Virginia Health Sciences Center

Author of Our Dreaming Mind , Co- author( with Calvin Hall) of The Content Analysis of Dreams




On every page I’m thinking “try that!”.

What’s so wonderful is the impact —

really brilliant instant communication via the dynamic word-and-image format that’s perfect for dreams!

I know this book is going to reach a lot of people and have a big impact on them.

No excuses accepted — we CAN work with our dreams!  Your drawings are so energetic, your language so accessible, your ideas so doable and your point of view so meticulously helpful, it’s a huge achievement.

Genie Shenk

Book Artist


“This book, this stunning graphic work, this vibrant coaching manual embodies philosophy and practices for entering your dreams.It is as profound and thoughtful as it is provocative, generously offering guidance and engaging creative exercises, a shared journey between you and the artist Victoria Rabinowe in I HAD THE CRAZIEST DREAM LAST NIGHT.You are in the company of an extraordinary artist and dreamer. ”  ~ from the foreword…  HAD THE CRAZIEST DREAM LAST NIGHT!  Creative Explorations Into The Genius Of The Night Mind


–$19.95 (includes S&H)

For the child in each of us…Enjoy a playful exploration of images from Victoria’s dreamscapes for children of any age.–$9.95  (includes S&H)

 Treat someone to a dream experience.  Gift certificate can be applied to books, DVD’s and workshops.

The Art of The Dream Workshop DVD! In this pilot episode, Victoria introduces you to the fundamentals of creative dream work, It includes valuable tips and tricks to enhance your dream retention and takes you through the first creative project: A Deck of Dream Cards. 

–$14.95 (includes S&H)